Shipping Terms Glossary
Shipping Terms Glossary
Amazon Reference ID

Amazon Reference ID

The Amazon Reference ID is a unique number used by Amazon to identify and sort Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) shipments when they arrive at the warehouse.

What is an Amazon Reference ID?

It is a unique number used by Amazon to identify and sort Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) shipments when they arrive at the warehouse.

So, if you’re shipping your goods to one of Amazon’s Fulfillment Centers (FBA), you will need a Reference ID.

The Amazon Reference ID is formatted as a string of alphanumeric characters (letters + numbers).

Where can you find your Reference ID?

After you create a shipment on the Amazon Seller Central portal, it’s a simple 3 step process:

Step 1 - Go to Replenish Inventory

Step 2 - Click on “Work on Shipment” at the bottom to find your Reference ID

Bookairfreight how to find amazon reference ID

Step 3: For each “Work on Shipment”, you will have a Amazon Reference ID and FBA ID, as highlighted below

Bookairfreight amazon reference ID example

When will you need to use the Reference ID?

Your Amazon Reference ID must be mentioned in your Bill of Lading . Your freight forwarder will ask you for it before shipping the goods.

Amazon warehouses use this ID to identify and book delivery slots at your desired fulfillment center.

Can you find the Reference ID on Amazon shipping labels?

No . The shipping labels only show the FBA ID.

Here is an example of an FBA shipping label:

Bookairfreight Amazon FBA shipping label example

What other information do you need to provide your forwarder when shipping to Amazon FBA?

You will need to provide your freight forwarder with the following:

Daisy Jiang

Proud Co-Founder and CEO of Bookairfreight. Shortly after starting to work in the world of logistics, I was astonished at how difficult and time consuming it was for businesses to get their hands on a simple air freight quote. I saw this as an opportunity to really make a difference in people’s lives, and felt like I had to do something. It was the spark that lit the fire of Bookairfreight’s creation.

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