What is an EORI Number?
EORI stands for Economic Operators Registration and Identification.
It's an assigned identification number allowing you to bring goods into the UK or the EU.
The format of an EORI Number:
The EORI number has 2 parts:
• the country code of the issuing country; followed by
• a code or number that is unique in the country
For example, an EORI Number issued in Belgium will look similar to this: BE 1573845630
Who needs an EORI Number?
If you’re importing or exporting goods in or out of the EU, you need an EORI Number.
EORI is also applicable to imports or exports in and out of the UK.
Why do you need an EORI Number?
Customs use the EORI to identify you across the UK/EU region when communicating with other government agencies or departments.
What happens if you don’t have an EORI Number?
Customs authorities will refuse your shipment and not grant clearance.
Do you need an EORI Number for every EU country?
How can you apply for an EORI Number?
You can apply for an EORI Number with the customs authority of your importing country.
It’s a simple and super quick process that’ll just take you between 5 - 10 minutes.
If you’re applying for the EORI Number with an EU Country, here’s what you need to do:
🥐 Let’s say you’re registering for an EORI Number in France because you will be importing into France.

Step 2: Click on your choice of country’s customs website. Here is France's Customs Authority Website

Step 3: Search for “EORI’ in the search bar

Step 4: Click on “Register for EORI Number”

Step 5: Find the online form and proceed to fill it out
For France, the EORI Number application is submitted through the online SOPRANO platform. Once you click on “Customs and tax authorization request”, you’ll be taken to another screen to create an account and start applying.

How long does it take to get an EORI Number?
It generally takes around 2 - 5 working days for the customs authority to process the application. The EORI number is usually active and can be used the day after it is issued.
Is the EORI number the same as the VAT number?
They are two different numbers, but they are linked.
When you apply for an EORI number as a VAT registered business, the customs authority will link all your imports to your VAT number in order to collect import tax later.
Logistics nerd and resident marketing guy of Bookairfreight. I love writing content that simplifies old-fashioned industry processes and provides solid, accurate information you can base your decisions on. Outside of logistics, I enjoy nature, hanging out with friends, electronic music and spirituality.