What is Ex Works (EXW)?
EXW is one of the 11 International Commercial Terms (Incoterms) used in trade, where the seller is responsible for making the goods ready for pick up from their premises.
🚨 Point of Risk Transfer :
When the buyer comes to load the goods at the seller’s premises. The seller is not responsible for any damage or loss that may happen during or after loading.
EXW places minimal responsibility on the seller compared to the other 11 Incoterms.

When should you choose EXW?
EXW works best for local or within borders transportation of goods, or for buyers who want complete control over their goods and transportation.
EXW is also commonly used when the seller is not willing to be responsible for transporting the goods to other warehouses or ports.
Cost allocation. Who pays for what under EXW:

Logistics nerd and resident marketing guy of Bookairfreight. I love writing content that simplifies old-fashioned industry processes and provides solid, accurate information you can base your decisions on. Outside of logistics, I enjoy nature, hanging out with friends, electronic music and spirituality.