Introduce Yourself!
Wendy: My name is Wendy Chan, and I am the Co-Founder and CEO of PackMojo. We make it easy for companies of all sizes to get premium, custom printed packaging at affordable rates.

First Experience With Bookairfreight?
Wendy: When I first came across Bookairfreight, I had my doubts.
They were advertising instant quotations, wholesale prices, platform-based shipment management, customs clearance... it sounded too good to be true.
I decided to book one shipment with them to see what they were all about, and I never looked back since.
We now book 1 shipment with Bookairfreight every week.
What Was It Like Before Using Bookairfreight?
Wendy: The entire shipping process was very frustrating – all those calls and emails needed to arrange the goods' transportation from the factory to the terminal warehouse, onto the plane, until the final doorstep... and all the invoices, air waybills, and customs clearance documents! What a headache.
We couldn't afford to spend this much time on our shipping, we had a business to grow! What we needed was someone else to do all this work for us, with minimum involvement on our end.
What Results Did Working With Bookairfreight Generate?
Wendy: Within a year of shipping with Bookairfreight, not only did we free up a lot of time, but we also saw a 30% reduction in shipping costs!
Using Bookairfreight’splatform, we can easily compare quotes for both air and ocean channels, make sure we have all the correct documentation, and track our shipments en route.
The team is super dedicated, too. They pick up our calls and answer our emails very quickly.
We couldn't be happier.
Would You Recommend Bookairfreight To Other E-commerce Businesses?
Wendy: No doubt about it! The fact that they do all the grunt shipping work plus the unbeatable rates make Bookairfreight an easy choice for e-commerce businesses.